HSE announce €9.3m allocation

Mary Fitzgerald

Comfort for Chemo, Kerry warmly welcomes the announcement by the HSE that it has allocated €9.3million in funding towards the construction of the stand-alone chemotherapy unit to be built on the grounds of the University Hospital Tralee. This funding now secures the construction of the building and Comfort for Chemo, Kerry would like to thank the HSE for their commitment to this project.

Mary Fitzgerald, Chairperson of Comfort for Chemo explains, “this is a great development in our fundraising goals, and one we have been working on with the HSE for considerable time.”

Ms Fitzgerald continued “this funding has propelled our efforts onwards and now enables us to focus our fundraising on ensuring this chemotherapy unit has all the necessary therapies, add-ons and comforts for cancer patients in Kerry.”

“This is a great day for all people wanting a better service for cancer patients in Kerry. It now helps harness our fundraising efforts more than ever, as we can now deliver on a world-class chemotherapy unit, something that was only a pipe dream some years ago. Our fundraising efforts continue with added vigour.”

Comfort for Chemo, Kerry have led the vision to build a centre of excellence for the patients of Kerry, who need chemotherapy and oncological treatments. The past 12 months have seen incredible support for the cause, spurred on by a greater understanding during the pandemic of the vulnerabilities of those with immuno-suppressed conditions such as cancer and the importance of them limiting their exposure to other illnesses during their treatment.

Community groups, sporting groups, fundraising groups, and individuals have been incredibly gracious in their charitable efforts for Comfort for Chemo, Kerry both at home and overseas.

With todays encouraging news of funding from the HSE, it is hoped that this will further harness the efforts for the year ahead in fundraising for Comfort for Chemo, Kerry.